
Buy 1 SOL worth of $BILLY, swap the remaining SOL to USDC, and make sure to leave gas fees.

Exploring Solana...

Purchased 1 SOL worth of $BILLY (tx).
Purchased 2.77 SOL worth of USDC (tx).
The remaining SOL balance in the wallet is 0.05.

tell me the top 3 most actively traded tokens in the past hour.

The top 3 most actively traded tokens right now are:

  1. Official Base Token (BASE) – [30,072 Tx, $14.9M Volume, $195.9K Market Cap]

  2. Open Data Policy Lab (ODPL) – [29,418 Tx, $13M Volume, $4.4M Market Cap]

  3. Giga Ass (GIGASS) – [19,416 Tx, $5.5M Volume, $590K Market Cap]

Exploring Solana...

The top 3 most actively traded tokens right now are:

  1. Official Base Token (BASE) – [30,072 Tx, $14.9M Volume, $195.9K Market Cap]

  2. Open Data Policy Lab (ODPL) – [29,418 Tx, $13M Volume, $4.4M Market Cap]

  3. Giga Ass (GIGASS) – [19,416 Tx, $5.5M Volume, $590K Market Cap]

Exploring Solana...

purchase 2 SOL worth of odpl, automatic slippage, execute immediately.

Purchased ODPL with 2.33% slippage and 0.022 priority fee.
Trade executed at @0.00816. (tx)
The remaining SOL balance in the wallet is 0.28.

Exploring Solana...

buy 1sol worth of billy, swap the remaining sol to usdc, and make sure to leave gas fees.

Exploring Solana...

Purchased 1 SOL worth of $BILLY (tx).
Purchased 2.77 SOL worth of USDC (tx).
The remaining SOL balance in the wallet is 0.05.

tell me the top 3 most actively traded tokens in the past hour.

The top 3 most actively traded tokens right now are:

  1. Official Base Token (BASE) – [30,072 Tx, $14.9M Volume, $195.9K Market Cap]

  2. Open Data Policy Lab (ODPL) – [29,418 Tx, $13M Volume, $4.4M Market Cap]

  3. Giga Ass (GIGASS) – [19,416 Tx, $5.5M Volume, $590K Market Cap]

Exploring Solana...

purchase 2sol worth of odpl, automatic slippage, execute immediately.

Purchased ODPL with 2.33% slippage and 0.022 priority fee.
Trade executed at @0.00816. (tx)
The remaining SOL balance in the wallet is 0.28.

Exploring Solana...
